(Multicultural Books of British Columbia)
“for all your word-processing, typesetting, editing, tutoring
and small press publishing needs.”
MBooks of BC
Richmond Gardens, Suite 307 Birchwood Court
6311 Gilbert Road, Richmond, B.C.
Contact Person
Joe M. Ruggier B.A. (Eng. Lit.)
Author and Publisher
Residence: (604) 447-0979
Cellular: 778-822-3864
Website: www.MBooksofBC.com
Look me up also on www.thehypertexts.com
Email: jrmbooks@hotmail.com
Assistant to the Publisher
Mr. Basil Nainan
Cellular: 778-883-5995
What we stand for and what we do
MBooks of BC is a small press. We publish poetry, prose & poetry leaflets, prose, translations, children’s writing, sound recordings, fiction, and literary non-fiction. We also have a publishing services division. We belong to an international circle of poets and editors committed to reforming the prevailing order by bringing about a traditionalist revival in writing. Joe M. Ruggier, the president and managing editor, assumes that:
- We owe the tradition of unrhymed metrical verse to the Greeks and the Romans;
- We owe the tradition of rhymed metrical verse to the early Church;
- Free form (vers
libre/sublime prose) was the peculiar domain of the Hebrews;
We are devoted to publishing work in which these three traditions cross-fertilize each other without in any way excluding any one. The managing editor owns his own poetry journal, The Eclectic Muse, which he publishes and edits with the valued, voluntary assistance of diverse associates.
Pictures of Joe Ruggier
This photograph of Joe Ruggier dates back to late 1984, when Joe was preparing for publication of his book, Intelligible Mystery, a study of the life and poetry of Rex Hudson, (now deceased). The photograph was first published in this critical study.
An impressionist portrait of Joe Ruggier, the Managing Editor of MBooks of BC, flawlessly executed by Virginia Quental, a Vancouverite artist born in Brazil, at the time that Joe was preparing the first edition of his book, This Eternal Hubbub, for publication, in Easter of 1995. This portrait was first published on the cover of this book.